Pred odhodom v službo delim z vami voščilnico z motivom cvetja. Ker sem imela motiv že pobarvan sem samo še sestavila voščilnico.
Izdelala sem jo po skici Sweet Sketch Wednesday.
Včasih mi celo uspe izdelati voščilnico na hitro ;))
Imejte kar se da lep dan 💚
Voščilnico dajem na ogled:
Hi Urska, this is such a pretty card. You have used such delicate colours nearly pastel colourings. I love the floral image you've used and pretty design papers. This is a great card and thanks so much for sharing it with us over at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2 and good luck.
Kathie SSW2~DT
Spectacular card! Love the colouring. Thanks for joining us at Krafty Chicks Challenge this past week for our BIRTHDAY theme :) Hope you join us again soon.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiane - DT KCC
Such a pretty card and I love the pastel pink and the green together, it's beautiful.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing your creativity with us at Sweet Sketch Wednesday 2
Anne SSW2-DT
Zelo lepa in nežna voščilnica. Všeč so mi kapljice "rose" ob cvetju.